Support for National Annuity Awareness Month on the Rise!
May 19, 2015 by Janet Terpening, Director of Operations, NAFA
As June 1 draws near, support for National Annuity Awareness Month is continuing to grow! As of this week, 22 submissions have been completed requesting proclamations for Annuity Awareness Month from various State Governors.
In late April, Iowa was the first state to move forward with a declaration (Yay IOWA! We’ll have more on Iowa’s proclamation in Wink’s June 3rd newsletter!). Since then, the Coalition has received approval from Utah and Indiana as well. We look forward to hearing back from the majority of states submitted in the next two weeks, and will be tracking this information on the website in the “Get Involved” section. We will also provide members with an update at the Annuity Leadership Forum in Washington, D.C. in June prior to our Hill Walk.
IT’S NEVER TOO LATE TO GET INVOLVED! If you or your organization are interested in joining the Coalition for Annuity Awareness or sponsoring the NAAM efforts, please contact NAFA’s Janet Terpening at: Plus, don’t forget to sign up on the home page indicating your support for NAAM! We appreciate your assistance and contributions.